Advance Pumps

When a synthetic oil is not needed, Summit’s NGP 220 highly refined petroleum based lubricants is formulated to provide some of the same benefits provided by hydrocarbon based synthetics such as PAO and PIB. The additive technology used in NGP 220 enables it to outperform other mineral oil based lubricants. Some of the benefits of NGP 220 are:
When a synthetic oil is not needed, Summit’s NGP 220 highly refined petroleum based lubricants is formulated to provide some of the same benefits provided by hydrocarbon based synthetics such as PAO and PIB. The additive technology used in NGP 220 enables it to outperform other mineral oil based lubricants. Some of the benefits of NGP 220 are:
• The high viscosity index (V.I.) of NGP 220 is comparable to a synthetic PAO and means a significant increase in operating temperature range over most mineral based oils. It also means a lower viscosity grade NGP 220 product may be used in place of a higher viscosity mineral oil with a lower viscosity index. This can mean lower temperature flow limits and may eliminate the need for heated, pressurized day tanks and heat traced lines. It can also mean better lubricant film strength at higher cylinder and packing temperatures on reciprocating compressors.
• The pour point of NGP 220 approaches that of a synthetic PAO and may be
as much as 25 ºF lower than some mineral based oils. The lower limit may eliminate
no flow shutdowns on cold days or the need for special tank and line heaters.
• NGP 220 is made from highly purified petroleum oils that only contain trace amounts of sulfur and other impurities found in group I mineral oils. Impurities common to many mineral oil base stocks can react with components of the gas stream to form by-products harmful to the compressor system.
• NGP 220 is formulated to inhibit against the corrosive effects of wet CO2 and H2S often found in gas compressor applications.
• NGP 220 is tailor made for gas compressor applications. It is not simply an R&O
oil developed for general purpose lubrication put into gas compressor service.
Both synthetics and petroleum based oils have their place in gas compressor
applications. Consult with Summit’s Gas Compressor Specialist to find out which
product is right for your application.
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